All our IP tuition tutors at Learners’ Lodge are fully qualified graduates from reputable local and overseas universities. They are all trained at the National Institute of Education specifically for the teaching and all of them have many years of actual full-time teaching experience at various JCs, teaching their respective subjects, preparing many batches of students for the A-level exams.
Our IP tuition tutors are highly specialized and they teach their subject exclusively, giving them the time to focus on developing their materials as well as their pedagogical approach over the years. Each of our tutors has in excess of 10,000 hours of classroom experience and quality.
Aaron Tan
Physics Tutor Dr Aaron Tan received the B.Eng. and PhD from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. He was also a research scholar during his undergraduate studies and received the EDB joint industry postgraduate scholarship to further his interest in applied research. He published numerous conference and journal research papers and also guided students on their final year projects.
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